Pen to Paper | 1901
Letters from 1901 - 1960
Eero Saarinen, 1953
Maxfield Parrish, 1918
Maxfield Parrish (110), Letter to Martin Birnbaum, December 4, 1918
“Now a few words about divorce so that I don’t have to waste the time on the phone with that [...] You beast! I was just about to send you flowers—for the first time than you wrote about flowers—now you will have to wait—a bit.”
Charles Burchfield, 1956
“I agree with you that the the tide of mediocrity that seems almost to engulf our modern world is indeed frightening. But I do believe that no matter what cultural deserts are created from time to time, there will always arise a new spirit to re-create forgotten values. That doesn’t mean of course that we have to lie down and quit fighting.”
“This will not be written with scalpel like objectivity it is just going to be small talke——-”
Eero Saarinen (126), letter to Aline Saarinen, April 10-11, 1953, continued.