About Us
Founded in 2015, Handwritten is a place in space for pen and paper. Publishing works in progress and words on process, we are committed to the private, intimate, and unfinished aspects of life and living. Since launching, we've connected with thousands of people around the world and published writing in over a dozen languages. And every few months, we collaborate with individuals and organizations to curate unique exhibits that illuminate the outer edges of handwriting and hand-making. It's our wildest hope that you'll get a little lost, but tell us what you find. Welcome to a new kind of handwritten home.
Bretty Rawson, Curator. Based in Seattle, Bretty likes kraft brown envelopes. He is a trail runner, and is co-editor of the literary arts non-profit, The Seventh Wave.
Sarah Madges, Curator. Based in Brooklyn, Sarah is a writer, barista, and paraprofessional. She runs the reading series Mental Marginalia, and heads up our special projects.
Meg Sykes, Graphics. Based in Seattle, Meg is a web & graphics designer, and sometimes-poet. Enjoy her creations at megansykes.com, but you can also see them on our site.
For questions, partnering, submissions, or projects, email us at hello@handwrittenwork.com. And if you want to join the Handwritten Team, be in touch. We'd love to talk.