Not Your Average Ordinary
Bina Vivien Santos is an artist and designer from California, who lives and creates in Brooklyn. Although her artistic pursuits range from cutout calligraphy and mixed media to graphic design and set dressing, each project is characterized by a sense of both grace and whimsy. In this four-week series, Bina reveals her approach and process between and across media and the ways in which her work literally, and figuratively, cuts across the landscape of art. Below, Bina discusses the ways in which she sees the reciprocal nature of words and images - both how language informs design, and design carries meaning. And over the course of two months, we will release four batches of Bina's images, words, and worlds.
Bina Vivien Santos is currently an Art Director and Designer at Movement Strategy. She also has an insatiable sweet tooth and wanderlust. You can find more of her work here.